
Here and there

This week I had my goal made, then I made my confirmation call around 3:30. The client that I had for 6:30 cancelled due to illness, it was not a little illness it was a broken kind of illness. I felt bad for my 6:30 appointment, I just was selfish and wanted to meet my quota for the week. This is why I need to care more about other people then myself. I could do so if I would stop working so much. So that's just what I did, I went surf crap small knee high waves. It was nice just to get in the water.

This week went by fast with scouting, new clients, photo shoots, and trying to schedule everything around my personal life. It's hard when you're a photographer that has your own company to forget at times that we should stop at a decent hour. I remember working for someone else, all I wanted to do was punch out that clock at 4:30, and if I went past 4:30 I would get so mad and upset to be honest.

With this new photography company, It's my baby, I now know why my last boss that started his own company would stay way past 6pm to get work done. This week I have been trying to work on making Business time, and Personal time equal out some how, or at least how it was when I had to work only 40 hours a week. Now I'm working for 80 hours a week. It's stupid to run around like this. If it came down to it, I could figure out where most my time goes by writing it down. Then I would have to make time to do that.

My point in this blog, and it's dedicated to other photographers, It's okay to at least take some hours to shoot, but don't spend all your time with your camera strapped around shoulder, hoping you're going to get a perfect shot. You're going to miss a lot of opportunities to get great shots. Deal with it, there will be a better shot, life keeps moving for everyone, so as it keeps moving so do people, things, animals, what ever the shot is you want, you will get it. What I'm saying is let's all try to separate work, from personal, evolve and let the chips fall where they may.

Here are some photos I took on my off time, just having fun! Enjoy.

-john lotterhos

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